“Like Father Like Son”
True leaders don’t create followers. They create more leaders. By now you’ve heard of Eddie Mitchell and his son Lil’Ed, the two have as much chemistry as Jordan and Pippen. The father a former Henninger High School basketball player who recently retired from Southwest Community Center located on Syracuse southside where he mentored his son and neighborhood youth for 37 years. He was a true l;eader who created another leader his son Lil’Ed. Lil’Ed used his youth leadership skills which includes decision-making, goal setting, problem-solving, relations0building, communicating and listening to blaze a trail as the CEO & Founder of Team Angel Mentoring Program.
The organization bring together unlikely allies – formerly and currently incarcerated individuals, community members, crime survivors, local elected officials to keep communities safe and families together. He knows the trauma of losing loved ones to violence, it quickly becomes apparent from listening to him that he still hasnt recovered from the passing of all the people he knew. He knows there are many youths in Syracuse who are living in poverty. As a result, they do not receive adequate schooling to prepare them for life’s challenges and often end up in trouble with the law. He is trying to establish a way to adequately address the adverse impact of violence and the impact the criminal justice system has on our community. This brother has what it takes to make a big difference in this city. His unwillingness to sit back and watch as the quality of life deteriorates in our neighborhoods and a desire to stand up for what is right and doing whatsoever he can to become part of the solution. You can book Lil’Ed to speak or host an event.
Booking and Reservation Fees Apply.
Contact Management for additional information.
(315) 560-7140
#AvoidNegativeGarbageEnjoyLife #TeamAngelMovement