“Judy Hines” Mothers of the Month

Left to Right: Debb Frett, Ann Ford, Kim Jackson, Demarius Seibles, and Cassandra Philips.

Every woman needs a great mentor. You will become aware of what these mothers have been going through all of these years trying to raise their own families. You don’t hear about these women who have struggled hard and tirelessly to raise their families. There is a movement called “Man Up!” happening in Syracuse, New York honoring mothers. Tyrone Hines with the help of his two sisters Towonda and Tammy Hines, along with their brothers Johnny Bachus, will honor mothers in memory of their mother Judy Hines. As of this date, their family has honored over 30 mothers by presenting each mother with a statute bearing their name. The family wants this award to become a significant part of the Syracuse community and understand the importance of the role these mothers play in raising a family. The Hines family has worked very hard to honor more mothers. At one point, these women were teenage mothers. Despite all the challenges in front of them, they knew that raising their children and grandchildren. In the hospital alone with only their son or daughter the mothers knew how difficult raising a family would be. They often had to ride the bus or take a taxi and if they didn’t have enough money, they walked. Once the mothers finished a long day of work they went home to prepare dinner, clean, and help with homework. More than likely, they wanted to give up, but they didn’t. Their strength is admirable, respecting, and encouraging. The Hines family is proud to honor these mothers; Debb Frett, Ann Ford, Kim Jackson, Demarius Seibles, and Cassandra Phillips.